“Traveling can be scary, it can be stressful, and it can be expensive. But it can also be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things you'll ever do in your life.”

Traveling the world has always been something I've wanted to do. I used to day dream about it and tell myself one day I'm going to see this place, that place... Do this, do that... It's fun to dream about, to fantasize about, and even give yourself confidence that you'll even act on all of it one day. Until the day you wake up and realize you've been telling yourself that year after year and "one day" still hasn't come. Sometimes you have to just start pulling the trigger on things, close your eyes, and lean into discomfort.

Traveling can be scary, it can be stressful, and it can be expensive. But it can also be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things you'll ever do in your life. The more places I visit, the more people I meet, the more I grow and appreciate the things this world has to offer. Using my camera to create beautiful images and connecting with beautiful people will be the most fulfilling thing I've ever done in my life and I believe I'm a better human for it. And I'd like to share some of my experiences with you below.

canary islands - SPAIN 🇮🇨

Bali was one of the places I've traveled to where I've spent the most time. I was there for almost exactly 30 days. This was the first time I had traveled after leaving my 9-5 job in IT. It was such an incredible experience to be able to spend so much time half way around the world from everything you're used to.


Bali was one of the places I've traveled to where I've spent the most time. I was there for almost exactly 30 days. This was the first time I had traveled after leaving my 9-5 job in IT. It was such an incredible experience to be able to spend so much time half way around the world from everything you're used to.

Jamaica 🇯🇲

Bali was one of the places I've traveled to where I've spent the most time. I was there for almost exactly 30 days. This was the first time I had traveled after leaving my 9-5 job in IT. It was such an incredible experience to be able to spend so much time half way around the world from everything you're used to.


There are only so many words to describe the intense landscape of Iceland. This trip was where I solidified my decision to quit my 9-5 and pursue this life of travel and photography full time at all costs.

Vast. That's one of the most reoccurring words I've used to try and put a label on this place. The beauty of the landscape this place has to offer is like nothing I've ever experienced and I will making it a priority to go back as many times as I can before this life is over.

Ibiza - Spain 🇪🇸

There are only so many words to describe the intense landscape of Iceland. This trip was where I solidified my decision to quit my 9-5 and pursue this life of travel and photography full time at all costs.

Vast. That's one of the most reoccurring words I've used to try and put a label on this place. The beauty of the landscape this place has to offer is like nothing I've ever experienced and I will making it a priority to go back as many times as I can before this life is over.

puerto vallarta - mexico 🇲🇽

There are only so many words to describe the intense landscape of Iceland. This trip was where I solidified my decision to quit my 9-5 and pursue this life of travel and photography full time at all costs.

Vast. That's one of the most reoccurring words I've used to try and put a label on this place. The beauty of the landscape this place has to offer is like nothing I've ever experienced and I will making it a priority to go back as many times as I can before this life is over.